Geo-marker: an unselectable cone-arrow in AutoCAD drawings

Saturday, February 21, 2009

If you find a 2D arrow ("flower") or a color 3D cone in your drawing and this entity cannot be selected, it is probably the "geomarker" placed to that position with the GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command:

This command sets the geographic location of the current drawing (model, project) - e.g. for export to Google Earth, sun lighting or environment calculations/analysis.

There are three ways to specify the geo-location:

1. manually enter the latitude and longitude data (e.g. from a GPS), plus the north direction
2. import (load) the current position from the running Google Earth application
3. import an existing KML or KMZ file in the Google Maps format (see e.g. the KML file with Xanadu offices - you can enter its web URL directly in the Import KML dialog)

You can switch off the marker with the GEOMARKERVISIBILITY variable.


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