Model import error: Coincident face_face_ints with different body vertices.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

After a SAT or STEP import (ACISIN, STEPIN) of a 3D model, AutoCAD displays the message:

Failed to calculate silhouettes of a face.
Modeling Operation Error:
Coincident face_face_ints with different body vertices.

This is one of the error messages of the ACIS/Shapemanager modeller. There are probably overlapping faces, small (very thin) wedges or gaps in the imported 3D model. Try to locate the complaining body and fix it in the source application (e.g. Inventor).

You can also use the AMSTITCH function in Mechanical Desktop:

1. Explode the part to an AutoCAD 3D solid
2. Start AMSTITCH and select the solid
3. In the Surface Stitching dialog, under Stitch Type, select Custom Stitching
4. In the Operation area, select Heal gaps


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