Error 0.1.0011 or 11.1.6011 on product activation.

Friday, November 28, 2008

These errors (and a reactivation requirement) can appear after you activate (authorize) your Autodesk application of the 2006-, 2007-, 2008- or 2009-family on a PC with a SATA (serial ATA) disk controller.

If you encounter this problem on your computer, use the following settings:
For applications of the type/version 2009, 2008, 2007, add (or set) in the Registry, in:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\Licenses\Autodesk Licensing Service\Parameters
the key (value):

MDI_Disable = 1
For applications of the 2006 family, apply this patch (hotfix).

Use the fixes only if you encounter the specified error!


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